Edenhorde Manifesto

A living document. Last updated: 21/8/23

On Edenhorde

We’re building a world in Web3 that you can be part of

Closest analogous examples: The Lord of the Rings, Pokémon, Star Wars

N.B This document uses illustrative examples from well-known household names to help provide easy-to-understand comparisons. It does not attempt to directly compare the caliber of Edenhorde to these projects in its current state. We are aware that franchises like these, by nature, take an extraordinary amount of time and effort to develop.
Edenhorde is an NFT project from Merit Circle, a vertically integrated gaming DAO. It is a part of Merit Circle rather than a subsidiary. A maximum of 8,800 Edenhorde NFTs will exist, not including various future collections and additional (spin-off) NFTs.

As a concept, Edenhorde is an exercise towards collective world-building and IP (intellectual property) in Web3. Highly successful analogous examples of this in legacy media are long-running story-driven multimedia franchises (e.g The Lord of the Rings or Pokémon).

Web3 brings with it new challenges, opportunities and approaches to this exercise, most notably: part-ownership through NFTs. This allows for the success of the project to directly benefit owners of Edenhorde NFTs as well as allowing this ownership to be sold or traded.

Edenhorde NFT holders also benefit from brand exposure, as while owner, they can use the rights to the image associated with their NFT commercially, examples of this might include building a personal brand using the image or selling merchandise.

On World Building and Narrative

We’re building a world through multimedia, of which an interactive narrative arc is the foundation. This helps build the world and IP. Without this foundation there is no Edenhorde.

Closest analogous examples: The books of Tolkien, the Pokémon game, the Star Wars films etc.
Edenhorde as a project will exist in multiple mediums. The current dominant medium (other than the NFTs themselves) is the Edenhorde narrative arc. The narrative arc is a collection of interactive episodes which are composed of text-driven narrative, a musical score, illustrative work, interactive elements (i.e. votes, claims, trades etc.) and other multimedia work (e.g augmented reality).

The narrative arc was considered internally as an MVP (minimum viable product) for what we are developing in a broader sense (an interactive narrative combined with ownership). Lore and narrative is delivered through the text which helps build and solidify the world of Edenhorde. ​​Illustrations, multimedia elements and music are included and act as representations of the world of Edenhorde through media. During the windows between episodes, communication happens within the community around the lore and storyline. Owners can interact with the story and holders are rewarded with items through extremely simple game mechanics.

We are determined to initially build an extremely strong world and IP. Doing so will allow us to move quickly into adjacent mediums such as merchandise, animation, gaming etc.

The upcoming card game, "Eclipse" will expand on lore and ideas from the narrative arc to offer a compelling game that expands on the world of Edenhorde while providing value to holders.

Special attention will be made with the game to decouple the IP from NFTs in an attempt to attract non-NFT holders into the space; to push Edenhorde into the mainstream and increase inclusivity and accessibility of the project.

Edenhorde = World-building & IP + Ownership

On Ownership, Benefits and Utility

We’re building a world in a collective way through the new opportunities that arise from Web3 where there is mutual benefit. Rather than direct consumption, owners financially benefit from the success of the project.

Closest analogous examples: Shares in LOTR, having the rights to one of the the first 150 Pokémon, owning a Star Wars X-wing etc.
Other opportunities will arise through various partnerships unique to Edenhorde NFT holders as well as upcoming Merit Circle projects (including the upcoming NFT marketplace, Sphere).

Owning an Edenhorde NFT was also the only way to participate in the eight-episode Edenhorde narrative arc which allowed holders to claim free NFTs simply by interacting with the story. These NFTs can be held, swapped or sold for profit on secondary markets. Similarly, owning an Edenhorde NFT will be the only way to access the upcoming card game, "Eclipse".

In essence, Edenhorde NFTs act as a key to various opportunities that extend beyond just an NFT project, but the growing Merit ecosystem.

On Community and Guardianship

We believe that a strong community can be developed through focusing on building an immersive and accessible world with owner incentives.
We already have strong indications that in-group communities are developing within Edenhorde. Discord and Twitter are good places to discover external signaling (through Edenhorde profile pictures and general support for the project) as well as in-group signaling (support for and holding of multiple NFTs belonging to one specific tribe, i.e the Babbumatta).

We believe that doubling down on the tribes of Edenhorde (and by extension what they are coming to represent) as a community approach is beneficial for the project as a whole.

We will be further developing the Guardian system as a way of having an in-group representative to communicate directly with a tribe and relay the information back to the Edenhorde team. Guardians are Edenhorde tribe’s respective representative officials. These Guardians also play a role in creating tribe-specific benefits, opportunities and (most importantly) fun for owners of specific tribes.

On Mediums

Edenhorde will never be limited or pinned to specific mediums and is a multimedia project by default.
From the beginning we’ve aimed to ensure that Edenhorde is not boxed-in to a particular medium (e.g generative artwork, illustration etc.). Prior to our launch we purposefully used mixed media approaches during our excavation of the world of Edenhorde (the first landing page illustration was a digital matte painting).

We truly feel that pushing forward and using a variety of delivery mediums early on (AR, VR, audio, digital, tangible, spoken etc.) are key to the success of developing a foundation for the world of Edenhorde while making the project as accessible as possible.

We feel this also elevates the project to more than the sum of the images attached to the NFTs and helps us focus on bringing the world to life rather than bringing a specific representation to life. This also means that we are not tied to a specific art style or portrayal of the project, freeing us to explore mediums that make sense for specific use cases and to deliver pointed immersive experiences. While also freeing others (ie partners or the community) to build on top of the Edenhorde source code, the world itself.

On Merit Circle

Edenhorde and Merit Circle are the same entity. Edenhorde does not act as an incubated project or a subsidiary of Merit Circle but simply as a part of it. The majority of people working on Edenhorde also actively work on Merit Circle and vice versa.

Although Edenhorde may expand to have a fully dedicated team there is currently great overlap within Merit Circle itself, allowing a wealth of talent to jump into the project when needed.

Edenhorde and Merit Circle being the same entity also allows for multiple opportunities within the DAO and within the greater partner network, with the potential for streams of opportunities to flow directly to Edenhorde holders.

On Roadmaps and Longetivity

As a long term project, Edenhorde does not have a public set timeline or traditional roadmap. From the very beginning we have been committed to delivering on things as soon as they are 100% confirmed and have lived up to this internal mantra, delivering the narrative arc only weeks after the launch of the Edenhorde NFTs.

Instead, we will maintain a dynamic section of this manifesto called the Action Zone. These are actionable items that are grouped into three sections: Live Items: these are actionable items that have been released and are accessible right now; Upcoming Items: these are projects that are confirmed internally to be released and are actively being developed; and Early Stage Discussions or Prototypes: these are concepts that are further along than simply the idea stage, but which are exploratory and yet to be confirmed.

We believe this approach will allow us to communicate what we’re actively doing in a practical and pragmatic way while allowing for internal exchange of ideas, and avoiding being tied to unrealistic roadmaps — essentially to avoid overpromising and under-delivering while being able to explore ideas and directions internally without consistent external pressure.

Action Zone

Live Items

These are actionable items that have been released and are accessible right now.

Edenhorde Card Game (Eclipse)

Edenhorde Eclipse is a card game that is currently in alpha release. The game revolves around strategic card-based gameplay, where players use their cards, which have various abilities, to battle against each other.

Area of impact: Ownership, Benefits & Utility

Edenhorde NFTs

These are central to the Edenhorde project and are directly associated with Ownership, Benefits & Utility.

Edenhorde Narrative Arc

This is the source code we’re building out to develop platforms and products on top of and is the foundation of World Building & Narrative.

Edenhorde Collectible NFTs

A collection of gamified collectible NFTs exlcusively for Edenhorde holders, claimable during the narrative arc.Ownership, Benefits & Utility

Profile Picture Generator

This is a way of adapting your Edenhorde NFT to fit into various medium format profile pictures to act as avatars on social sites and is a key part of identifying others through Community & Guardianship.

Active Partnerships

We are continually delivering partnerships with other projects both inside and outside the Merit Circle ecosystem, bringing whitelist opportunities and giveaways to Edenhorde holders. Part of Ownership, Benefits & Utility.

Website Overhaul

Changes to the website to make information more accessible for people new to the project as well as additional UX improvements and perks.

Area of impact: World Building & Narrative, Community & Guardianship

Visual Redesign

A consistent brand and design system for Edenhorde to help scale across products (UI/UX) and templates for visual design that better reflects who we are.

Area of impact: Mediums

Website Overhaul

Changes to the website to make information more accessible for people new to the project as well as additional UX improvements and perks.

Area of impact: World Building & Narrative, Community & Guardianship

Edenhorde Rarity Tools

An official first party rarity platform to query rarity of Edenhorde NFTs and to search and sort by rarity ranking.

Area of impact: Community & Guardianship

VRChat World v.01

An v.01 of a VRChat world set in the Edenhorde universe. This will be accessible for people with VR headsets as well as via PC (non-vr). Although currently a less accessible medium, we believe that VR is a frontier worth exploring early on as a way to immersively experience the Edenhorde universe and to meet the team and community members “face-to-face”.

Area of impact: World Building & Narrative, Community & Guardianship

VR Ready Avatars v.01

An v.01 of four VRChat avatars to be used in the Edenhorde VRChat world.

Area of impact: World Building & Narrative, Community & Guardianship

VR Meetups

A rolling calendar of Edenhorde-exclusive VR meetups with further development on the VR world and Edenhorde avatars.

Area of impact: Community & Guardianship

Guardian System

A redesign of our approach to the Guardian program. Allowing for greater transparency and communictaion through representative Guardians.

Area of impact: Community & Guardianship

Upcoming Items

These are projects that are confirmed internally to be released and are actively being developed.

Sphere Marketplace (Edenhorde Flagship Project)

Merit Circle is working on an NFT marketplace called Sphere, of which Edenhorde will not just be a part of, but the flasgship collection. With the potential for large exposure and control over fees and redistribution.

Area of impact: Ownership, Benefits & Utility

Project Amginea

Project Amginea is an annual occurring concept tied to Edenhorde’s foundation that explores various forms of media, storytelling and gamification.

Area of impact: Ownership, Benefits & Utility

Early-stage Discussions or Prototypes

These are concepts that are further along than simply the idea stage, but which are exploratory and yet to be confirmed. Specifics will be outlined as they develop.

Choose Your Own Adventure

A community-driven P2E choose-your-own-adventure game with VRF-randomized outcomes.

Area of impact: World Building & Narrative

Holder-Specific Physical Merchandise

Likely non-wearable items related to the Edenhorde Card Game (Eclipse), or opportunities around wearable items from Merit Circle.

Area of impact: Ownership, Benefits & Utility

Discord Game

Assist in the creation of a community-driven Discord game.

Area of impact: World Building & Narrative