Great adventures await you.

The narrative arcs are the foundation of Edenhorde. They are a collection of episodes which are (depending on the arc) composed of text-driven narrative, a musical score, illustrative work, interactive elements (i.e. votes, claims, trades etc.) and other multimedia work. These act as both a focused narrative and a world-building device for Edenhorde. Ready to dive into the vast continent that is Edenhorde?

The episodes are open to anyone who would like to immerse themselves in the world of Edenhorde, the first narrative arc is written by Celia Blyth, with illustrations by Emmy Award winner Andy Ristaino (Adventure Time, Midnight Gospel). The second narrative arc is written by Michael Orchard, with illustrations by in-house artist extraordinaire Vito.

Chapter one

Episode one

Allafred doesn’t know it yet, but this brave diver’s life is about to change when he ventures into the murky waters east of Gadira on this peticular mission. How much can an object found at the bottem of the ocean change the course of history? Allafred will soon find out!

Episode two

To find out the value of the recovered object, Allafred embarks on an adventure outside the walls of Gadira. In his quest, a curious actress tells him about the priceless value of this strange shimmering object. The mysterious people living in Cresca might be the only ones able to help Allafred in his quest.

Episode three

Guided by the Babbumatta’s instructions, Allafred joins a caravan of Larriks in search of the their hidden village. During this journey his eyes become with excitement as he explores Edenhorde for the first time oudsite of Gadira. He also meets his first companion to saccompany him on his adventure.

Chapter two

Episode zero

Catch up on everything that’s happened in Edenhorde thus far. A brave Gadiran sets off on an adventure of understanding and gets much more than he bargained for.

Episode one

Devarn, a babbumatta bullied by his peers, struggles to accept being different. Seeking an escape, he makes an unexpected discovery.

Episode two

An ancient being awakens, and Devarn flees for his life. However, it seems there is nowhere for this Babbumatta to hide.

Collectible treasures

The Edenhorde collectibles are a collection of ERC-1155 NFTs that were free to claim for Edenhorde holders during the narrative arc. They are souvenirs and memories from a distant world, cast in code.

The collectibles are watercolor illustrations by Emmy Award winner Andy Ristaino (Adventure Time, Midnight Gospel).