

The world of Edenhorde is vast.

Welcome to a world in Web 3 that you can be a part of. Edenhorde is a media franchise from Merit Circle in the form of 8,800 non-fungible tokens (NFTs), driven by collective worldbuilding and intellectual property. By owning an Edenhorde NFT you are a part-owner. It aims to be the first “media mix” (メディアミックス) franchise in the NFT space, building from a foundation of the initial episodic narrative arc. Edenhorde also acts as the flagship NFT project of Merit Circle and a gateway to the Merit Circle ecosystem.

Home to four distinct tribes.

Edenhorde is a great continent bounded by seas and desert. Edenhorde is home to four tribes: Larriks, a humanoid nomadic tribe of hunters and craftsmen; Gadrians, reptile-like residents of Edenhorde's charter city: Gadira; Babbumatta, a peaceful plant people living in the forests of Edenhorde; and the Oru, a mysterious race of ancient robots whose spiritual home is centered deep within the enigmatic Mount Puntu.





A humanoid people scattered across Edenhorde.

Traditionally a roaming people, Larriks using the myriad waterways of Edenhorde to practice a travelling existence based on foraging, hunting for food, and collecting remnants of an earlier, ancient civilization which they cleverly repurpose. ‘Only a fool buys what he can find’.





A reptile like group who live in the walled city of Gadira.

An independent city state, Gadira is located just off the mainland, and is accessible only by a thin strip of land. Gadirans draw most of their wealth from the sea, collecting goods for sale, both organic treasures such as pearls, and goods from the Old World. Their potential is limited by the infighting of their ruling class. ‘Power has value, but it does not feed a family’.





A peaceful tribe who resemble the plants they live amongst.

The Babbumatta consume only fresh water and use photosynthesis for sustenance. Of all the residents of Edenhorde, only the Babbumatta can grow successfully and in abundance, and they delight in cultivating new species of plants and flowers. They also have mastery over what we might term “magic”. ‘From the earth we rise, to it we wither’.





A strange monastic tribe of robots.

Not much is known about the origins of the Oru. Their metal bodies mean that they can traverse the inhospitable terrain with ease, and they are a frequent sight across the realm. The Oru attend all births and deaths in Edenhorde. The home of the Oru is at the top of Mount Puntu. ‘Celebrate their gift, fear their strength’.

A Manifesto.

A living document outlining the what, how and why of Edenhorde as a project. The manifesto acts as both an introduction to the project and a roadmap for the future, a guardrail through which we shape Edenhorde. Here you can learn more about the long term view for Edenhorde and the journey we’re on together. At the bottom of the manifesto is the “Action Zone”, a list of live, upcoming and prospective tasks and features. This is the place to see what we've already accomplished, what we're working on and where we're heading to.

Great adventures await you.

The now finished, narrative arc is a collection of eight episodes which are composed of text-driven narrative, a musical score, illustrative work, interactive elements (i.e. votes, claims, trades etc.) and other multimedia work (e.g augmented reality). These act as both a focused narrative and a world-building device for Edenhorde. Our adventure starts with Allafred, a young gadiran of a humble but respected family of divers. He started his day as any other. Little did he know that his life and all of Edenhorde would never be the same after this adventure.

These episodes are open to anyone who would like to immerse themselves in the world of Edenhorde, written by Celia Blyth, with illustrations by Emmy Award winner Andy Ristaino (Adventure Time, Midnight Gospel).

Episode one

Allafred doesn’t know it yet, but this brave diver’s life is about to change when he ventures into the murky waters east of Gadira on this peticular mission. How much can an object found at the bottem of the ocean change the course of history? Allafred will soon find out!

Episode two

To find out the value of the recovered object, Allafred embarks on an adventure outside the walls of Gadira. In his quest, a curious actress tells him about the priceless value of this strange shimmering object. The mysterious people living in Cresca might be the only ones able to help Allafred in his quest.

Episode three

Guided by the Babbumatta’s instructions, Allafred joins a caravan of Larriks in search of the their hidden village. During this journey his eyes become with excitement as he explores Edenhorde for the first time oudsite of Gadira. He also meets his first companion to saccompany him on his adventure.

Collectible treasures

The Edenhorde collectibles are a collection of ERC-1155 NFTs that were free to claim for Edenhorde holders during the narrative arc. They are souvenirs and memories from a distant world, cast in code.

The collectibles are watercolor illustrations by Emmy Award winner Andy Ristaino (Adventure Time, Midnight Gospel).

VR World

We believe that VR is the next frontier for community congregation and want to explore this technology while it’s in its nascent stages to see what’s possible. This starts with a small custom VRChat world and community-designed 3D avatars with regular meet-ups for VR-ready Edenhorde holders. Depending on the development of VR-based social platforms and adoption of VR/MR headsets, this could end up as something much bigger and would give us a strategic advantage of moving into this next, more intimate phase of the metaverse.

Edenhorde Eclipse

Edenhorde Eclipse is a card game that is currently in alpha release. The game revolves around strategic card-based gameplay, where players use their cards, which have various abilities, to battle against each other.

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